Dr Who theme

Performance at the BBC Proms

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the word bank.

The music in the video is the theme from the TV show (1) Dr Who.

The music is performed at a famous British annual performance called the BBC (2)Proms.

The group of musicians playing is a large (3)orchestra.

We hear all four families of instruments, including string, winds, brass and (4) percussion.

The circular brass instruments heard towards the beginning are the French (5)horns.

The large tuned drums that are heard are called the (6)timpani.

Sitting at the front of the orchestra is the string section, which always includes (7) violins.

The lower brass section includes four (8)trombones and a tuba.


  • Word bank
  • horns
  • Proms
  • Dr Who
  • timpani
  • violins
  • trombones
  • orchestra
  • percussion